
Breaking News!

[12/06/2011] Rumor - Hokkaido48 seems to be in work. A real estate agent in Sapporo explained that AKB48 staff have recently came to look for a unit.
[09/06/2011] Queen of AKB48 of all times - Maeda Atsuko regain her throne. Congrats! Oshima yuko takes 2nd place. Team B Captain Kashiwagi Yuki takes third placing.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

よこそ みんなさん!Welcome to my Blog

こんにちわ みんなさん!Firstly i would like to thank everyone for visiting my blog. This isn't the first time i started a blog. My virgin blog was started in 2005 using hotmail version. Maybe you would wonder since i had a blog earlier, why should i bother to start another one. Ok. My reason was i find the layouts of hotmail are limited( Ok, i admit i didn't checked it out if it is changeable now since i am TOO lazy=P). So what inspired me to start another one?

The reason being i am inspired by fellow enthusiastic bloggers around the world especially those who post about Japan stuffs like anime, music and photos. (I.E Danny Choo, Banzai effect, Miyake)

(Ok, so you have decided to have another go @ your pathetic blog, what now?)
Embarking on my Main Mission,
- Point no. 1 - My main concentration in this blog will be news about me ( thats of cos=P)
- Point no. 2 - As i am quite a fetish about photography, i would be posting photos that i took whenever i am, riveting my photography skills along the way.
-Point no. 3 - Let me think about it(keke)

-Point no.4 - Updating on AKB48 news!=3

Anyway that's about it! Stay tune and enjoy!=)))

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