
Breaking News!

[12/06/2011] Rumor - Hokkaido48 seems to be in work. A real estate agent in Sapporo explained that AKB48 staff have recently came to look for a unit.
[09/06/2011] Queen of AKB48 of all times - Maeda Atsuko regain her throne. Congrats! Oshima yuko takes 2nd place. Team B Captain Kashiwagi Yuki takes third placing.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wedding Dinner

Yesterday was Ah nia aka my boss wedding....Here are some of the pictures. The wedding took place @ keppel club. After looking @ the ceremony of the wedding @ korea via video...i think it's a grand wedding they had! Personally i feel that it's kinda exciting to get married over there( Or Japan!) something i felt new and refreshing instead of the tradition wedding in Singapore hahahahhaha....(Looking @ the time 11:22pm, time for lunch with mum or else i gonna missed Japan hr @ 1pm! I will continue later!)..Okie back! Anyway back to the korean thingy wedding...Hmmm i find it really cool to get marry overseas if i am a gal...New exposure lol...but back again i only saw the surface but i haven't saw the real whole process, who knows it is super troublesome to get married overseas? haha...can't make up my mind...

Actually for this wedding, Ah nia asked me to do a wedding montage for her as she finds outside price a daylight robbery...I help her make one, pass her the montage but told her it's free of charge...but on the actual day when she came over to our table to take a photo shot, she slip in a ang bao into my pocket...I was very shocked and i told her i didn't want it as i just wanted to help out...but her hubby and ah nia just smile @ me and i hopelessly took the ang bao...Damm! i should have known and placed a bigger amount in the wedding ang bao i am suppose to give her...Sign~~~~=(

The montage i made for Ah nia

Exchange drink

Ah nia and family

The power puff girls=P

Tuv Sud PSB Family photo taking

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