
Breaking News!

[12/06/2011] Rumor - Hokkaido48 seems to be in work. A real estate agent in Sapporo explained that AKB48 staff have recently came to look for a unit.
[09/06/2011] Queen of AKB48 of all times - Maeda Atsuko regain her throne. Congrats! Oshima yuko takes 2nd place. Team B Captain Kashiwagi Yuki takes third placing.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


So i decided to do work out on a 2 times per weekly basics. One of it is jogging on tuesday and the other one is heading down to East Coast Park to cycle. My buddy gave me morning call as i was a natural born pig..I had pig attitude, pig genes blar blar blar...
Anyway back @ it., that was one of my activities for a great saturday. The other one was something i wanted to do it long long long long long long time ago, which was making sushi!

And so today i head out with my mum in the afternoon to give her a treat @ Ding Tai Fung( which I myself have a great deal of loving the food there too!^V^) So anyway since my advisor (Mum) is here, I asked her on tips on what stuffs should I get for the preparation of my sushi! So i have heard from mum, research from internet ( google is your friend) and tada! here's some photos for you guys to see my epic achivement^^!

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